Knife covers and peelers


Thermomix has been making food easier for families around the world for decades.  The knife cover transforms the Thermomix into a sous vide cookware and slow cooker, further helping the everyday kitchen
life. With a knife cover complete with a peeling function , it takes much less time to prepare food, leaving you more time for other things. When you return home, you can relax on the sofa, read or play with the children while Thermomix prepares the food for you.
You can save time with the extra features of Thermomix. If you want to cook in advance, sous vide cooking or slow cooking offer the perfect method to do so. Crumbly food waits until your family or guests are ready to eat – but never overcook. As for the peeler, bking with his helpyou can engage in anything else with your free and clean hands .
Thanks to Thermomix, cooking is no longer a hassle!

Here’s how to use the Knife Cover and Peeler: 

Place the Knife Cover and Peeler on the knife, making sure the higher side of the peeler 2 is on top of the higher blades. Press down on the knife cover and peeler to secure it to
the knife, you will hear a click, and then check that the peeler is in place. Properly placed, it will have a slight resistance when removed, not detached directly.

Put the required amount of unpeeled vegetables in the mixing bowl, but not more than 800 grams at a time . For best results, choose vegetables of a similar size. Cut larger
vegetables into smaller pieces.

Always add 600 g of water, regardless of the amount of vegetables. For TM6, replace the lid and measuring cup and start the download program. For TM5, replace the lid and place the steamer basket on the lid instead of the measuring cup, then peel at 4p/4.

Once the peeling is complete, rinse the peeled vegetables using the steamer basket and continue making the recipe. Do not spill water used to rinse vegetables. Collect and reuse, for example, for watering flowers.

  • Some vegetables cannot be peeled with a knife peeler and peeler, such as cooked or frozen vegetables, thick-skinned vegetables such as sweet potatoes, and very thin-skinned
    or high-water vegetables vps such as tomatoes, cucumbers, or zucchini.
  • Adjust the peeling time newslan to the desired result (please read the table below).
  • If there are dark spots or spots on the vegetables, remove them before or after peeling.
  •  When peeling the carrots, cut the carrots into pieces of the same size and thickness.

CLICK HERE and watch our video on the proper use of the knife cover and peeler! 

Buy at the link below: 

Késburkolat és hámozó

14.900 Ft

A késburkolat és hámozó segítségével könnyedén, percek alatt hámozhatja meg kedvenc zöldségeit (sárgarépa, burgonya, retek, cékla), valamint a szuvidálásban és a lassú főzésben is segítséget nyújt! (A TM5-ös készüléknél ebben a két főzési módban a visszafele forgató funkciót kell bekapcsolni!)

A késburkolat és hámozó a TM5 és a TM6 készülékhez is használható.

Ezt a kiegészítőt a TM6 alap szett NEM tartalmazza!